This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Wednesday, December 20, 2006

went out with leeyah yesterday , it was nice
to at least be out of the house.
I can't believe what your dad's doing to my mum L
she's been crying since we left the fucking station thanks.
I know I crashed the car but it's still not fair I have to bear full responsibility
look , we don't have a car & the last time we went on a holiday was a thousand years ago.
correction , the last time we were happy seemed too long ago.

I've photography lessons later I don't want to go home so early
I think I'll probably head down to peninsula to collect my jeans then go photo taking.
hello God , I'm at your disposal now. What exactly do you want from me?

Dear Santa ,
I know I've been bad for the past year.
Please let me curl up & die for Christmas
then I won't be bad again.


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