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6 degrees of seperation



Thursday, December 14, 2006


Theresa's probably having the time of her life right now in Malaysia
If I had cash I'd be on my way to Malaysia without parental permission
escaping for this hell hole. Oh don't mind me I'm just being grumpy
I sleep more than 12 hours a day and I exercise now and I'm still so tired
I've no idea why! It's getting so annoying!

I finally went for my triathalon training and I only ran 4 rounds
I was too tired to run and I had no water and there was no vending machine!
correction , there WAS a vending machine only it was all chained up
what's the point in having one when you're going to lock it up?
those sick sadistic people working at the spe
they must know that there are people like me who forget to bring water
so they purposely put a machine there so we can die of dehydration
staring at the 'goddess'( the machine )
I bet the guy who owns the place is the murderer in saw
okay , that was so lame
sorry , I caught Cheryl foo's stupid.

Anyway , I finally finished reading
fight club by chuck palahniuk. Finally! haha awesome book I must say.
Any recommendations for a new book I should read?
I'm off to read choke now! ^^

I miss Theresa , really!

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