This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Saturday, July 29, 2006

I think I had fun at the party today , don't you think.
And I think Ann's actually Dumberer cause she totally fits the bill
look at their faces priceless
all spilling with sheer stupidity/DS-es
I miss the valley mosh and I know I'll be kicking myself silly for it
when I hear how fun it was.
damn , still sore about it.Imagine the amount of shots I could've taken.
oh well , I'll get over it.Eventually.Goodnight

I miss you all , really

Friday, July 28, 2006

Photographer : Nigel ! :)
Drowning in hopes of that one day the skyline will fall down on me.

Nigel says : People rather be in the darkness.
And you know what you don't understand can make mean anything.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

This says : whatever , you moron
photo of the day
world , meet jamine

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So long ,
They tried to tell you that you don't belong
Meet kimberly , seriously , she's an awesome friend.We went jogging after mass today.We jogged to church then to bong's place to say hello but the fucker didn't wanna come out of his house to see sweaty girls jogging.haha , but it was all for fun anyway.Went to see ann at her place as well she lives extremely near bong maybe they can accidentally bump into each other and send electrical waves through their eyes and fall in love , get married , have kids and live happily ever after heh :D just for the record , ann's a dyke. ( Sorry guys you know I'm just up to my bullshit again) My day was overall , fruitful? Anyway , anyone else up for a caracal/trella/4th Avenue gig with Kim & I? Heh.ohhhh what a sick sad world cause marisse smells like heaven from jogging.I so need to take a shower.Goodbye Cruel World!
My baby,
Here was a nice inspirational passage I thought you should read.

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever
let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every
You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken.
You'll fight with your best friend.
You'll blame a new love for things an old one did.
You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone
you love.
So take too many pictures,
laugh too much,
and love like you've never been hurt
because every sixty seconds you spend upset
is a minute of happiness
you'll never get back.

and this is why I love my mum :)

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hey Unloving , I will love you

Good news : I failed my 2.4 :/

It's time to turn around

cause everyone is sweet

It's time to turn around

before they turn on you.

I know you have to go.

It's too late , this life is re-arranging

Did you see the way I looked at you today?

Sunday, July 23, 2006


OK , THIS PICTURE'S REALLY FUGLY I KNOW BUT I'M REAL BORED AND HAVENT TAKEN A GOOD PHOTO FOR AWHILE AND THIS IS AN OLD ONE OF ME WHEN I WAS 4?!?!?! PFFFTT!!ok, so your mum starts saying stuff like " I have no friends I have only one friend on my messenger list ".you know she's losing it.she wants to move to this christmas card looking house in the states with her boyfriend and ruin your life and you plan on saving a 100 bucks a month for you cooper when you know you can only get it in 40 years?!! at that rate.haha , yes how ridiculous , how marisse.I'm so going to get a pet monkey if I've to move to the states. haha , cause I can't get that here. =/ ok , g'night world wide web where I pour my inner most retardation in.

beautiful beautiful

Now you're probably wondering why I didn't bold the As of the words beautiful yes? If you aren't , I don't give a shit you don't have to tell me either haha , I didn't bold it cause I went to the adoration room today to pray and adoration starts with the letter A and when I arrived at the adoration room in church after lunch with joanna there was not a soul to be seen in there praying and I guess prayer can be sometimes insignificant so I made my A insignificant. ok , whatever Marisse.My sunday morning through afternoon was pretty good I guess.And for the first time in my life , I sat in an empty IHM at the second level and it was pretty cool.The silence.The peace.Something I don't get everyday.I think I'll probably do this every sunday if I remember.haha, which I highly doubt so.I spent about 3 hours I think? Praying today.haha , I think I've never really done something like this in my life on my own accord.well , change can happen like sins will happen.Anyway , I'm thinking of opening a cafe as a side-job( if there's such a term ) when I'm 21.So , I better start saving :) Have an awesome sunday all! heehee

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dear Time Traveler
I've made mistakes too.

Friday, July 21, 2006

In Heaven Ev'rything is fine

So well , it comes to a point when you look at this certain someone and think
my , what a beautiful body she has I want to throw up and look just like her.
and when it comes to that point.
slap yourself , take a pill
you attend mass ( a catholic thing ) and you look at the altar and see only 4 altar boys
one of them's bong ( hello bong if you read this ) and you want to join them to make
the place look fuller .
slap yourself , take a pill.
you come home to a yelling mum yelling about a CD that you already warned her about
cause you knew she'd blame it on you and well she did anyway
slap yourself , take a pill , take a tequila shot( cause you know it sucks)
the negative vibes are drowing you like a tsunami and you don't want to break this vow you
made to yourself .
slap yourself , take a pill and this time , 3 shots.
just for the record you've no idea what pill this is that you're taking.
your appendix burst and the next thing you know you're on the hospital bed.
well , if only.
and then it comes to the point when you talk about the problem
and as the words seem to flow out of your mouth
you realise you're not making sense and it's just hate talk and shit like that
Have you realise your sheer stupidity yet?No?
Slap yourself , take a pill.
Prissy , take care of yourself love

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're still young
I'll suffer and I know it
but nonetheless , It makes me want to skip
the wake up sessions and morning showers
I want to stay alive in my personal coma
I want to keep you close to me
you say that we're all tied up in our state of mind
and at the same time , we're still young
we have the time to realise that we were wrong
just for the record , this is the part where I admit
that you're one of the reasons why I don't want
to leave for spain/america.
I'm so sorry dear I must escape
before I suffocate from waiting for
someone I hardly know.
I got out of the house today and this time not to study.I went to get my pay check which was good at least I got a shot of this kid outside millenia walk :)
we were so young and beautiful , what happened?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

4:28 when will you come home?
Welcome to the world of a very bored Marisse
I got up this morning at 5.44 am and it's been a month since
i've actually done something like that
went to meet breastie for breakfast
like finally , we needed to catch up so badly.
The Bus ride home with theresa yesterday was the usual which means , fun X 10
Anyway , let's talk about me moving to spain.
firstly , I'm excited although it's not confirmed
but my mum said that we might go live there for a month or two.
but first , marisse must learn espanol and not only be able to speak bits & pieces of it.
and secondly , get a freaking webcam just in case I'm lonely there ,
there's always the trusty msn messanger :D
Anyway , Spain's still so far away.
Akira ( My best friend :D ) might be going to the boys home
yes , yet again being threatened by the law.
And I can honestly I'll be counting down the hours
and will probably be one of the few people who'll miss him the most.
all those nights hanging out and our crazy antics
the memory will never run dry in my mind babe.
though it'll be just a year , it'll feel like forever.
So dear God , please tell me what's in store?

Monday, July 17, 2006

My favourite shot : The Velveteens ( I think =/)


The list of bands :)


guess who went jogging today!? Yet again.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Tonight's one of those nights that I'll never forget.Moshing was awesome.I had alot of fun with stacy ( I love you babe , really ).The bands Beezewax and alot of other awesome shit was rocking!I'm so there next year.I can't wait and time flies really fast when you're having fun yes?It's passing so fast that my major exams are coming up soon.Well dear Lord , grant me strength to carry on studying.I really want to make it to a school of my choice not some stupid offence , it's cool and all but just really my kind of place to go to.Gosh , I realise I'm becoming such an introvert ok , time to widen my social circle!

wanna be friend? haha add me at :

obviously I'm kidding. that's not my email
goodnight world :D

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Baybeats was awesome! For both day one and day two.The bands Love me butch , One buck short and Plainsunset blew me away as well as angela's dish , I promise pictures but well , not right now cause I'm currently over at biggay's house with Akira.It's been a real long time since it was just the 3 of us.Which is pretty cool how we still can have fun like we used to.well ,mainly cause we're so full of shit.I need to be in church by 9.30 will be walking there in the hot sun.( fuck singapore's weather) We made friends with a teacher from school as well she's vertical rushes's lead singer's girlfriend how cool is that?haha , I'm brain dead I think it's the I'm stupid in the morning syndrome so catch you guys later :)

Friday, July 14, 2006

words don't seem to matter.

Marisse Isabel Caine reporting for duty blogspot sir!Baybeat's just a few hours away and I really hope I can make it but I think all my friends are flaking on me.Oh well , so much for what're friends for aye?Thank God for blogger cause here I can pour out all my unhappiness but I still say it in my 'coded' language you know , don't want to cause misery/disagreements or even politics out there with everyone else cause I don't want to be selfish.Anyway , I don't get why I can't be as blunt , funny and happy as I used to be.I feel so jaded and honestly , crestfallen.And I know it's cause I'm so far out that people get bored of me.This time I'm not complimenting myself.I think I've compromised enough , when's it ever going to be my turn to let my opinion be heard.My real opinion.Not the ones I utter when I'm not even thinking clearly.And when I voice my view could you please not discriminate me?That's why I don't like talking.I don't want to screw things up again.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dear Nobody , I love you very much.

Marihito's going to grow up to be a heartbreaker.don't you agree? he's japanese chinese just like akira , akiko & akina :)well he's only seven this year and well , hopefully he doesn't grow up to be some screwed up non-comforming son of a gun or worse , an ah beng cause that'll be really sad.I'm feeling rather blank right now so I'm not going to call anyone tonight to tell them a joke and just to say good night as well.Tonight while walking back home the moon was looking exceptionally beautiful( it's beautiful all the time actually) but tonight , I seem to have fallen in love with it.I think nature's probably one of the other things that mitigates me from my mind.Cause above there in my thick skull's a rollar coaster ride.bumped into an old friend today and will be having lunch with her next week , amen to that haha.Anyway , sometimes I wonder how did we get so fucked up.How did the world get so awful.( no this is not me being angsty) but seriously , how did it get so fucked?Maybe this is just me being incredulous as an after affect of watching Munich it really is rather penetrating.yes , this is me being blown away by another one of steven spilberg's movies.Really , can't we all just fucking compromise. Why in the world must we all be so fucking selfish.Oh well , that's the world for you Marisse.You got that right Marisse.G'night world.

The things that make me feel so alive are just so

blameworthy , illicit and sometimes salacious.

In other words , wrong.

Panic! at the disco

hello , we meet again.I had alot of fun with alicia yesterday at her house when all we did was well , be stupid.I felt so free and with alicia once again , I don't have to talk much.which to me is absofuckinlutely awesome.I'm so hooked on to this lovedrug song.I guess I hate to admit it but , getting emo's my thing I guess cause it makes you well , more expressive don't you think?Anyway , I got to school early today and it went by surprisly fast which is good better than it passing by slowly.I realised how stagnent my love life is and it's so boring.haha , I mean it sucks getting hurt but you'd rather get hurt than not be in love which is stupid and immature in other words , so marisse.I called about a dozen people or more last night to tell them a joke and say goodnight cause I've not done it before and it was fun fun fun realise how many times it appears in my entry? I think I think life's a party.well and I guess it does kinda feel like sometimes.My mum's singing now in the living room and playing the piano and today for some reason she sounds real nice.on other days I get real irritated she's singing the whitney housten song " I'm saving all my love for you".I think she's in love cause she's been up these days real happy and she even made breakfast for me the other day ( what a miricle! ) but it tasted really good haha.Maybe we should fire the maid and she should be the maid of the house and I , will be the master of the house.fat hope? yea , thought so too.


marisse isabel caine

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


spinning - lovedrug - down towards the

Yeap that's pimple cream on my face!I want my old hair back >:(! oh well , hair will grow.I'm going off the alicia's place soon.Yesterday night with alicia , rese & chris was awesome!I barely spoke but it was really fun also cause I didn't have to speak much to enjoy myself.I'm getting sick of talking.Listening's my new hobby.So if anyone needs me to listen to your rants , I'm just a phone call/IM away :)
I feel so accomplished! Alicia and I ran for two and half rounds and power walked for half a round and walked one round at punggol park yesterday and when I got home I did 40 situps and 80 crunches.I wanna lose weight real bad well , at least this time I'm putting in alot of effort.Anyway I'm off! let's boogie woogie in my brains! :D

I want to make you happy
But I've fallen, I'm sorry
I thought my wings could hold me up
with angels not demons
you don't know how cool you are
to find the ways to love me without shame
I want my life to be red
with trees and like Autumn
I'd float away from evil and
Down towards the healing
so sad now we have become
the children trapped in the mazes
I'd give my soul to the one who has the courage
to find me and free me now
if I run I'll just become like all the faking lights
so let the thunders take me under and break my legs tonight

Monday, July 10, 2006

Notice how much I'm in love with L.O.V.E.?

So?Why are you here?

I finally read my book 'diary' today as in read read my book.haha , and boy you don't know how awesome it is.If you want to read it don't resist asking me.Anyway!I was walking back from the MRT just awhile ago and I walked the usual route which means I have to pass the cafe and the gym at the community centre so I bought fishballs.Ironic ain't it? putting a cafe next to a fucking gym? Trying to promote obesity/waste of time at the gym aye?Anyway , you guys already know how immature I already am so I walked past really slowly since the treadmill is facing the window and chewed my fishballs really really really sllllloowwwllyyyy haha god , I'm such a bitch sometimes. haha , but it was fun seeing them turn away from me chewing slowly one lady looked down on the floor and this other guy turned his head completely away from me and looked in the mirror and back to see if I was gone. haha , I'm so immature.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

You have stolen my heart and it's as simple as that.

today I found myself searching on google for the answers to life.(yes , how stupid)But my day was rather boring and well , I just really wanted an answer and I got a few options one of them was the bible ( that I already know but I'm kind of a lazy person) and the second one was the wikipedia - the answers to life , the universe and everything, as if. First , I typed Why am I sad then I corrected it to Why am I sad even when I'm not then I finally keyed in what do people think of me.Questions that always flow through my mind.Well , I'm a very paraniod person who lacks confindence in herself and so I often think that people think of me as a big ugly fatso who's trying to be something she's not which I think of myself as anyway.Anyway , I didn't get an answer.What I got was a please specify your question or something like that.pfffftt , so much the answers to life bla bla bullshit.I want to lose weight and smile alot to strangers/victims of my social crime so I can make their day cause It feels nice when someone good looking smiles at you( ok , shut up marisse hahaha) it sort of makes your day.Marisse is so bored and wants to watch the 1.50 match later cause it's lllleeeeeeeeeee finalz world.I hope Italy wins cause I don't know why but I feel related hahaha ( yes , marisse get some sleep).I told my mum today that I was bored and she said to me an idle mind is a devil's workshop (whatever) haha , she's so retarded she thinks I'm going to kill someone cause I'm bored.Oh Mother anyway , anyone willing to be this fatso's boyfriend/girlfriend? hahaha , I'm seriously bored.

there's someone out there who loves you and that would be me , marisse!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Man I'm so there! If my friends don't flake on me that is!

And no , this is not being Emo.

today's sunday and it's my dad's birthday( I don't really like him).I only like him cause he's family other than that he's a let down but I've always had this little bit of me wanting to hear from him telling me how sucessful he is in life now but no , it never happens.There's a reason for me to work hard in life so I will never be like him.Today to top it all off my mum said if she marries her boyfriend we'll move to the states ( something I don't want to ever happen) all these years of making friends building up my life here will just go to waste though I've always wanted to leave the country not right now please?What a fucktastic Sunday aye?

Friday, July 07, 2006

I've slept in a bath tub before ,

mastering the art of lying says:
mastering the art of lying says:
mastering the art of lying says:
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
i found it in my blood this morning
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
then i ask them to gather and took a picture of it
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
see the brothers ans sisters
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says:
so close together
+::The Bun::+yay! my tv crashed! says: heart warming

ohhh jamine , tell me why I love her so much hahaha.Today was rather mundane if you ask me besides the fact I almost lost my life , went for mass and went to smoke sheesha( well , not exactly I promised Jamine not to.boy! what's happening to me? haha)well , at least I finally met up with my bestfriend(s) haha it was really actually kinda boring but at least I finally saw them and I read my book in a pub another weird thing I've done this year besides sleeping in the bathtub.I plan on stuffing ten lollipops in my mouth soon.ok , I r izz tired so fuck off and good night

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

no I'm not in love , it's just gabriel from caracal

you know the feeling you get when you get off a rollar coaster ride
you know the after effect when you take a drug ( prescribed or not)
you know the feeling you get after someone slaps you in the face for an honest mistake
the feeling you get when someone dies
or even the weird feeling you get when you know something bad's gonna happen
sometimes your head gets so twisted you just want to cut loose
Marisse feels that way now
and now I wish I could say Marisse died at 10.17 pm
g'night world
So tell me why God sent me friends like these when my mind is already lacking enough brain cells haha , (V , Eme , T & L if you ever read this) I miss you guys like crazy and all the crazy antics we pull on friday nights.We haven't celebrated Gay Pride either let's not fuck the fun up since the worlds already so fucked up.well , that didn't make sense but who cares no one really reads what I blog about anyway or is there anyone really out there who'd listen to my nonsensical ignoramus idiotic rants.Well for those you out there who don't know I'm in tech , I'm in tech haha, and I feel like I've a legitimate reason to be stupid.Mrs Thurai couldn't make it for english today poor lady I'm really actually starting to really like her alot she's a sweet lady and makes me come to think of why the fuck I gave her such a hard time last year all the 45 minutes late for lessons and answering back.Being a pissy little bitch to her acting so immature ahh yes , I was and will always be immature Marisse.Anyway so we had a relieve teacher today her name is Miss Su (makes me kinda think of Annabel Su haha) and boy , did we gave her a hard time.But it's not my fault they gave us such lame conversational topics for oral like " Is it difficult for somethings only grandparents can take care of ?"well, at least somewhere along that line but anyway, I remember it not making sense cause they think we're so damn illiterate that we wouldn't understand the sentence's chymology haha,whatever so I couldn't be fucked to answer the question and usual the teacher threatened to take my name down and as usual like I really give a shit.I already have an oh-so-beautiful record built up for me I'm not even expecting a testimonial at the end of the year.Oh Marisse , Why do you fuck things up for yourself? haha , I don't know , I guess I just get more fucked as the years go by kinda like my dad.haha , really you should meet him foooooooo he's such a loser.I love him but he really is a fuck up.Anyway , I can play the first part of smoke on water already I played the same thing for 3 hours last night cause I couldn't sleep and it's the only thing I know how to play on my 4-string guitar( yes I broke the guitar string).Ok , time to brush up on my england so goodbye world wide web muriz izz goingzzererzzer to read.



Monday, July 03, 2006

good morning my fellow americans! ok..I'm not in american but it just sounds nicer than saying good morning my fellow xingerpourrians.yesterday was youth day for most schools in xingerpour and I took the oppurtunity to hibernate for 8 hours but was woken up by a stupid call from a nincompoop wanna guess who?! well , it was non other than siewhwee.surprise surprise we woke up realising we've only an hour left to travel to millenia walk for the closing ceremony which was clearly impossible since we're such procastinators haha,so we dragged our oh so lazy asses down to town to meet prissy and also so she could get a gift for minghwee cause it's her birthday which in the end she didn't manage to cause of 6 hour shopping shit and countless number of times we ate something made of mangos and we went to mango too it was like mango monday or something ,someone slap me.Due to her retardation fits for food I spent more than 10 bucks on food again.Where's my sanity? has gone on a rampage again?!Marisse , Marisse you are so abnormal and stop being so god damn lazy you stupid cunt.Get yourself off the stupid computer chair and back to.. bed haha ok , that didn't make much sense but it must be the morning blues.Oh and btw , I didn't have school today either how cool is that? Murizzz daa mannn!! My muscles feel like a rollar coaster ride from jogging yesterday night at god damned 12 in fucking morning to gardens.Another one of my bright ideas.siewhwee's stamina is like a camel and mine's of a earthworm.note to self:It's time to work out more and stop staying home and using the computer like as if a revolutions going to come out of there.ok , I'm boring and stupid , G'bye Lame world full of Ah lians whom I dedicate my time watching and dissing cause I've no life and I'm a stupid fat pig :D!

please donate to the ' love marisse' fund

proceeds will go to the retardation island fund

thank you , we appreciate your support ;)

Sunday, July 02, 2006

beautiful is on track

You never know what lies ahead
I didn't know I was hurting your soul so bad
the disappointment is predictable
my feelings are highly unethical
I knew you'd let me down
and once trust is gone , it never really actually comes back
it'll ring in my mind like the memory last summer
but in a negative way
so much for the picture of the past.
and as for the other I expected you to know me so much better
well , it just goes to show what our friendship was really worth
it was just a superficial relationship( no pun intended)
now , I feel like everything I've known is being thrown aside
well , it's time to move on cause it has been disconnected
It might be my
lunar rhythms speaking , roger that captain

Saturday, July 01, 2006

You amaze me , photo dedication : Nigel

It's starting to look like the skies are closing in on me
I thought the good times were gonna come soon
well , I guess I was wrong
no regrets?
I suppose.
I learn from my mistakes
I've no mood for pictures
My photos are turning out shitty
I feel like shit and no , this is not me being emo.
cause I've come to realise how stupid emo entries sound
like who in the world fucking cares if your life sucks
well , ok there's the exceptional sometimes
but really , it doesn't really effect you if my life sucks
or does it?

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