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Sunday, July 23, 2006

beautiful beautiful

Now you're probably wondering why I didn't bold the As of the words beautiful yes? If you aren't , I don't give a shit you don't have to tell me either haha , I didn't bold it cause I went to the adoration room today to pray and adoration starts with the letter A and when I arrived at the adoration room in church after lunch with joanna there was not a soul to be seen in there praying and I guess prayer can be sometimes insignificant so I made my A insignificant. ok , whatever Marisse.My sunday morning through afternoon was pretty good I guess.And for the first time in my life , I sat in an empty IHM at the second level and it was pretty cool.The silence.The peace.Something I don't get everyday.I think I'll probably do this every sunday if I remember.haha, which I highly doubt so.I spent about 3 hours I think? Praying today.haha , I think I've never really done something like this in my life on my own accord.well , change can happen like sins will happen.Anyway , I'm thinking of opening a cafe as a side-job( if there's such a term ) when I'm 21.So , I better start saving :) Have an awesome sunday all! heehee

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