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Sunday, July 09, 2006

You have stolen my heart and it's as simple as that.

today I found myself searching on google for the answers to life.(yes , how stupid)But my day was rather boring and well , I just really wanted an answer and I got a few options one of them was the bible ( that I already know but I'm kind of a lazy person) and the second one was the wikipedia - the answers to life , the universe and everything, as if. First , I typed Why am I sad then I corrected it to Why am I sad even when I'm not then I finally keyed in what do people think of me.Questions that always flow through my mind.Well , I'm a very paraniod person who lacks confindence in herself and so I often think that people think of me as a big ugly fatso who's trying to be something she's not which I think of myself as anyway.Anyway , I didn't get an answer.What I got was a please specify your question or something like that.pfffftt , so much the answers to life bla bla bullshit.I want to lose weight and smile alot to strangers/victims of my social crime so I can make their day cause It feels nice when someone good looking smiles at you( ok , shut up marisse hahaha) it sort of makes your day.Marisse is so bored and wants to watch the 1.50 match later cause it's lllleeeeeeeeeee finalz world.I hope Italy wins cause I don't know why but I feel related hahaha ( yes , marisse get some sleep).I told my mum today that I was bored and she said to me an idle mind is a devil's workshop (whatever) haha , she's so retarded she thinks I'm going to kill someone cause I'm bored.Oh Mother anyway , anyone willing to be this fatso's boyfriend/girlfriend? hahaha , I'm seriously bored.

there's someone out there who loves you and that would be me , marisse!

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