This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Saturday, December 16, 2006

So there we were laughing wildly at jack black in the cinema.
I repeat , laughing wildy at jack black not with jack black
Ohh Alyssa , I had a lot of fun watching the holiday with you.
not quite I expected though , I expected it to be a cryfest
but it was good all the same. I've yet to catch little miss sunshine
would anyone like to catch it with me?... Yeah thought so
I guess I'll go borrow it at some rental shop and watch it all alone & mope
oh! oh! oh! And the oc season 3's out on DVD already! yayza , I'm up for it
yes I know , call me slow but at least I found out soon enough
after I pay for my fines , my bills & Christmas presents ( if I even have money for that)
I'll buy the whole season , or I'll just settle for borrowing.
I'm sorry everyone I doubt you'll be expecting anything from me this year
maybe valentine's day next year. So in other words , you don't have to get me anything
and please don't cause I'll feel really bad , like a free loader.
ahhh , I see my Christmas spirit disappearing into thin air! haha
Anyway , So after hanging out with awesome Alyssa I went to meet awesome Alicia
we went to meet joyful jade & nice Nicole ( LOL I couldn't come up with better words)
we went for the already closed flea market at homeclub then we met up with Chris
nic & jade had to leave earlier so the 3 of us headed to kovan for supper
took a nice long walk to alicia's place then headed home.
okay , that was pretty much my Saturday.

what am I doing now? I think I'll go read. See you folks!
My phone's down & I'll be with V & the rest
love love!

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