This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Saturday, December 02, 2006

this is me depressed , really.
completely stoned at the monitor
in a total trance to the killer's everything will be alright
how I feel right now is beyond comprehension
I never thought it would really happen to me
I've sort of 'felt' how It would be.
everytime I watch the television , I 'feel' the pain
but thanks to the third passenger we didn't get hurt.
though , sometimes I wish I died.
Retardos , we'll get through this.
I hope we'll still be friends
cause not being friends is what I'm most afraid of.
so I guess this is goodbye ' merry Christmas '
all I can do not is pray until something happens.
thank you everyone who's been here for me.
now everytime I wake up I kinda wished I didn't
cause when I'm asleep I don't have to face the music.
God , I'm such a sinner.

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