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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Don't read , I'm being emo.

It's currently 6.30 am & it's christmas
so Happy Christmas Everyone & well , good morning.
last christmas was spent with the bird's nest & then later on with akira.
It was my first christmas with vicky
& the first time I ever hung out with just akira alone
we talked through the morning getting to know each other
him being the ah beng he is told me all his adventures
haha , I really enjoyed myself then. who knew we'd be best friends.
I had a lot on plate during this year. All the drama , serious drama
and it's following through the next year. & next year's just in a week's time.
Akira says I've changed so much this year & I couldn't have said so better myself.
But change is good I guess cause from the change I've learnt so much.
I almost lost myself , whatever myself is. haha , but I guess it doesn't matter.
so anyway , I had the whole mood cycle within the first few hours of christmas.
from being totally bored then to annoyed then to pissed then to embarassed
and then to happy and then to amused and then to sad and then I'm here.
woah , that's a lot of and thens. hahaha , but no hard feelings bong.
I guess it was my fault for not calling. Sorry I made you guys walk out.
& thanks Baby Biggay for answering the phone , I had fun.

I sat on the kerb & cried
& I felt better than I've been feeling for the whole december
It was good finally letting out my fustrations.
& thank God I was alone :)
I was pretty dissapointed with christmas
I guess it's cause I was pretty much expecting a lot.
All the plans I made dissapeared and crumbled in my own bloody hands.
maybe I'll go visit SPCA( I'm thinking of adopting a cat & a rabbit )
or maybe I'll just sleep through the afternoon.
God , I hate mondays.

heavy hearts & christmas tears.
Once again , Happy Christmas.
I miss you theresa.

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