This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Wednesday, May 10, 2006

you threw the purple on the floor and my heart fell.
no doubt , pain is love.

so here's the deal , there's this blood related person called mum
who brings you here and up in this well , pretty complexed fucked up
full of shit son of a gun it's the end of the world i hate myself and
want to die and maybe do a few good deeds so i can get vip passes to
heaven cause God must hate me for knowing me painful life.
and then at an exam that you were obviously not ready for cause of the
tremendous amount of pressure and physical abuse and verbal dirrohea your
so called mum is throwing up in your face.well , don't get me wrong its
not that she ain't cool or anything like that but she's just well , a S.O.B.
anyway ,so at this exam you freaking screw up and end up having to go to a
well extremely lousy stream and end up giving up at the first year cause of
well being rejected in the end when you thought hey why not try and make the
best out of the situation but no , you had to get rejected didn't you
well , cause I'm never good enough for anything.So this time round , you're
already secondary 4 and you have a chance to take the right don't screw it sums up to this marisse , don't fucking screw up you bitch.
anyway , sins will happen. so it all comes down to this , you stay at home
your mind bitches well , not exactly bitches more like fucks with you(figure of speech).Sometimes I'd rather chill at the sunny beach with the shady people.If you know what I mean.ok this is a follow up to alyssa's blog , yes alot of people are becoming 'artistic'.Ok , if you really like photography and all that shit.Do it and mean it not like its just another trend.because its not a trend its a fucking sickness.Being able to look at something or someone and knowing which angle it will look beautiful in.ok whatever let's not get deep here.

note to self: no one wants to hear you complain and I'm sick of you talking about yourself you self-absorbed bitch.

hokay , time to shave my legs now , till then!

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