I've always wanted to go running in the rain butt fucking naked =/ hah
how about it? I've come to a conclusion that I truly am crazy.( yes , marisse! you've finally come to realise that! that took you awfully long!) But I need to ask , sometimes just sometimes well for me most of the time but have you ever gone absolutely insane over someone's certain feature or character trait or whatever else works for you?Well I have.I've reccently come to know of this boy( yea , I can't believe it's a boy) with a brilliant mind.He's awesome and he's probably to die for which most girls consider already but that's not the point.The ways of a beautiful mind works volumes compared to beautiful eyes and he comes with looks tho it's like a bonus or something for whoever who falls for him.Anyway that's totally besides the point but this guy is driving me mad and I just want to crack his mind.People have never really interested me for a long perioud but he's different and the worse part is , I don't even know him.You know how it is that only once in a while people that will create an impact in your life pop by and they only stay for a short while.People like Vicky for example ,she's probably the most matured person I know in my circle of friends it's almost amazing but I've cracked her mind so it's getting kind of boring , no offence vicky I still love you anyhows.But trying to crack someone's mind can really make time fly which is totally awesome considering my age and how much time I have in my hand and travelling home from work during the 78923678627893 hour bus ride will be time well spent if i were cracking someone's mind hahaha ok , I sound delirious.Must be the lack of sleep or something.Anyway, I bought 2 topmen shirts today and two underweears and I finally made my ezilink card.
ok nowwwwww everyone say , awesome!
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