This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I'm fooling my selfish heart and going through the emotions like how the wind blows.

hello world on my penis just that I don't have one dot com.hello bloody faggots who read my blog and judge me and don't understand me.pardon me , I'm just busy getting depressed and acting like I'm part of the non-conforming crowd.Why does it always have to rain on me?Life is fucking yo-yo.I fucked twisted cannot be unwind even with kerosene lousy brand from the mama shop yo-yo.I listen to loser rock , wanna be my friend?And I've been dying to reach out to all of you.How has your day been everybody?I had a great day today , I played block catching after dinner with Akira , Mark , Siewhwee and Pris :)

cause the world's gonna want to turn you into everyone else.


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