Meet Tony Ward , He's Awesome!
In need of someone to pull me off the computer seat.Marisse Caine has been seating infront of the computer for nearly six hours I guess it's true , I'm a computer addict and a photography whore. haha , I photoshopped for about two hours straight then I went on to watching one tree hill haha yes , yet another thing to get addicted to g*d Marisse , what the fuck is wrong with your brains are they running around? Anyway , Sometimes I wonder if people actually read my stuff or they just come here to view my work and other people's work of course.I've got to give credit to all the awesome photographers out there.It doesn't really matter cause It's flattering both ways.So here's what has been going down with me.
Due to the current exams (well , it's sort of over for me cause it's just practical) I've been neglecting some of my friends and I haven't really been deep talking with anybody and getting to know how the other person's feeling anyway , It's about time I started hanging out with V and the rest again and probably re-connect old friendships since june's just two or three weeks away like how I'll be going out with Hollx , Jas and a few others.I also want to make new friends I mean cause every holiday calls for new 'adventures'.I mean really ,when I was sec one I hung out with my basketball friends and the netballers and then it went on to sec two when I hung out with stacy ( yes , and had my ah lian phase ) and phoebs and then it went on to being sec three and that's when I hung out with V and the rest and then on to Akira and the rest and it's all just a big bunch of friend connectivity haha.whatever sometimes its so complex I can't be bothered to think well ,not that I'm a bimbo or anything it's cause I just really can't give a flying fuck.Maybe I have a sense of fear of what I'll be doing this summer but nonetheless , I'm looking forward to it and not to mention I'm going out with liying too :) someone I've never hung out with in my life haha.
I've been hanging out alot lately with my mum and now with her extra spice of lunar rhythms , she is pissing me off daily.So I think I would like to stay away from her for awhile and well , the fucker man finally emailed me after four months of being away since his last visit but he says he's becoming stable well , its about time.and the grandparents , their awesome as usual but a little exhausted cause of the little bugger Leon he's been quite the pain although of course there's a kick to it I mean babies , their God's gift and of course christbel's growing up and the rest of the family's doing fine.I just need to spend a little more time with them :D
I'm catholic christian and I've been attending church religously.haha what's more to say? And yes , I've already mentioned in my past entry that I'm going for a mission trip on the 3rd to 5th of June.Well , I hope nothing much changes when I come back cause well , I don't want to miss a thing.
last but definately not the least..
Haha ok , as you can see I'm quite the bomb in my own world haha I mean if you know me personally.but whatever , everyone's a narcissit sometimes.Gosh I haven't used that word in awhile haven't I.I used to use it all the name with phoebe when we were like sec two or smth? haha Ohhh , those were the days.My love life has been rather stagnent cause you know everyone's getting involved nobody very appealing to me that's single and available and even If they appeal enough I probably won't appeal to them since I'm a disgusting piece of lard haha. My grades have been improving surprisinly.I've made new friends.My hair grew and tummy grews as well and I haven't had my period in awhile.Haha ok that information was unnessacery and obscene haha but you know , whatever works for me. Yes , I will be going to the stupid MOS party cause I want to let loose and dance but of course there's the 4000 over people are going factor which actually stinks cause I don't want to have a 30 cm to 30 cm dance floor if you know what I mean.Anyway enough about myself I'm over estimating my self-importance again as usual.Ohhh deaaarr , I feel accomplished now.
It's been awhile , call me for coffee. Please ?
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