This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Monday, March 27, 2006

photobooth memory , I've used this line before.

maybe we're the ones losing it
but tonight we close our eyes with the candle lit
blank in the minds with no designs
at the darkest moment of the night
I close my eyes and my fingers bang on the keys
the film starts to play as the song goes
the cloud appears the world doesnt matter
following you into the dark with the given directions
She sees him and the other her
God forces a smile in the broken bleeding heart
Spunned around and dashes through the fields
he gives chase in his demin jeans after her skirt
she runs and the tall yellow grass cuts her legs
she bleeds and bleeds crying uncontrollaby
vowing to herself never to turn back again
and suddenly , a pit appears and she well , falls
and he couldn't catch her when she fell
she drops into the pit into forever
and her view dissapear , she's gone.

baby , don't fill my heart with lust.

feeling low? I'll give you the ball

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