This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Sunday, March 12, 2006

fans of the stripes or the hives?

//it's currently 5.59 and my brains hurt from the lack of sleep.
I can't seem to sleep I'm at ah lian's ville and is dying.
there are about a thousand and one things on my mind right now
and I can't seem to let the thoughts budge.
I repeat to myself slowly budge thoughts budge and to no avail.
happiness is a deception , love is a masquerade
what am I thinking is it too late? The feeling doesn't just
come and go there must a motive behind it.
what am I saying I've not a clue sometimes
well , I do but not exactly they're all jumbled up
like a jigsaw puzzle note that I will not be there for you.
siewhwee janice lauren xiu nana and ah lian are as dead as a log
and I'm thinking so much that I think you wrecked my night.
Its so possible my one-sided story sorry.
what have I gotta do to make you want me like you want her
what you say is indecipherable.
oh my bleeding heart he says while he lies without blinking
how could you decieve me like that I trusted you
once the trust is gone you're nothing but a dirt bag.
I hate you so much but for religon I can't say a thing
except to the one has the power to keep in silence
daddy's little defeact altered my life?
or every little thing you want?
I sit here and contemplate while half my legs outta blood.
goodbye for now.

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