This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Thursday, October 19, 2006

today I started the day looking like a the homeless but it's all good. I've been thinking alot lately about what I'm actually gonna do with my life.If I actually really have one which shouldn't be any time soon if I start working but it's all good. I've been thinking of switching to non-digital which should be when I get my first pay check when ever that'll be cause I feel that digital is much too tiresome with everyone always asking for photos and stuff.I can't deal with that now. Oh , and I also feel like being anti-social for a while. I mean people really exhaust me. Maybe I'm just saying this cause it's the morning and I've got the triple eyelid thing or maybe cause I'm reading a really angsty book but right now , I think I can say I mean it. see you folks!

I gave up myspace within 10 minutes & I am really embarassed with my photos.

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