This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Saturday, October 21, 2006

Finally got brainticia cleaned but the guy didn't do much cleaning cause I can still see this fucking annoying black dot on my viewfinder , thank god it was free but I got brainticia a filter finally! After cracking the last one I've learnt my lesson , hopefully =/ anyhow , spent the day at my grandma's place watching bollywood movies haha I didn't understand a word but there were subtittles! yay for subtittles! Headed down to town around six-ish to read and meet up with the rest of my old buddies. Thank you all for being there for and my time of need.I say , the greatest friends you'll ever find are the ones who'll eat what they saw you cook! haha , thank you all. been rather depressed lately not cause I'm an emo dude haha more of I think my lunar rhythms are coming soon.oh the joy. note the sarcasm. I spent 5 hours on youtube yesterday and just a minute ago I searched on 'what to do with my life'. guess what came out? an ad on some insurance crap. oh marisse , what were expecting anyway. okay good night and happy birthday theresa (:

we're all dying to live in a world we're living to die for ,
did that make sense?

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