This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Monday, January 09, 2006

she's too lost in her darkness they say.

I'm only happy when It rains ( garbage)
apparently not , cause I'm not out there playing in the rain
but you could say that I can have my walk down memory lane
and get emotional and I guess that'll make me happy
cause I abso-fucking-lutely love getting depressed
I hope you remember what I told you cause guess what , Ian's back.
I'm such a psycho aren't I , people actually think I need help
what is happening to me , whats the deal with my brains.
What happened to my fuck care attitude on a sober basis
my fuck care's present physically but not mentally anymore.
I cannot stand school , I know you've probably heard it a billion times.
but school makes me feel like I've been buried alive in this coffin
and in this case , school's the coffin.
I have this gut feeling that I'm not going to do well for the major exams
hot damn , I never knew how much people could actually affect me.
fucking teachers , I hate math , I hate school , I hate life
I hate teachers , I hate teachers who aggravate my situation
I hate hate , I hate you , I hate me , I hate every happy day.
Cause I now feel like If I get one happy day ,
I get ten depressing days in's such a drag
Why the fuck won't they leave me alone.
I just want to be alone or at least with my friends.
I mean hello? we have to deal with the shit our parents give us at home
and we go to school looking foward to a better day and guess what
we have to deal with our fucking teachers , It's so damn exhausting.
The only reason why I stay in school Is so I can make a living QUICKLY
I can't wait for the next approximately 240 days to end
cause then , I'm out of my 'institution'.
the only reason why I'm alive now is , my friends , family and God.
cause , I do not want to be thrown into the lake of fire.
I'm waiting for a car to hit me or something
get it over and done with so , I thank God for religon.
I just might have a nervous breakdown anytime soon
and when I do , please friends I hope you guys will still love me all the same
cause I'd love you all the same.

yes baby , closure has already happened.

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