This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Monday, August 15, 2005

well , this month has been what you may say , happening? alot of stuff happened , really.but i can't reveal.anyhows , i've so called found a way to a brighter future.i may be able to take art , the love of my life.but i don't wanna get false hopes high and jinx it.cause i need to do up my portfolio and stuff like that and it has to go through the bird , the artist and angulia.i have alot of doubt that the bird will let me take the subject cause my art is sort of towards the dark arts.i hope i won't get all once bitten , twice shy bout' it.i hope i'd be more of , try, try and try again if i get rejected.well , god grant me strength to finish what i've started.(=

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