This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Friday, August 19, 2005

Hello, Today went by pretty fine. For the past few days I’ve been trying to keep my cool. I know it shows. But some people just can’t get use to the fact that I’m trying to be less rebellious. What the fuck. Why the fuck in the fucking world would you want be to retaliate. You crazy bitch, you’re making me sin again and again. Why won’t you just leave me alone? Anyway, I had this beautiful dream the other night. I was in love with someone I couldn’t see. We were having our anniversary or something. The memory of it is very vague. But I remember that there were candles, roses, and hot Latin music. I was in a dress. It felt so surreal. It was as if I was experiencing Latin Movie Kind of Love sort of like dirty dancing. But the greatest thing about it was, I was in love and you know what, it felt so good. The best part was, there was reverse psychology. I’ve already figured out my future, I’m going to grow up unloved and OVER-rejected. Depressing but predictable. Who in the right mind would love me right?

cause you had a bad day.

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