This is where I rain on you


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6 degrees of seperation



Friday, September 08, 2006

what I've been looking for

it's currently 4.26 in the morning and it's a saturday.

I guess I could say my friday was pretty good besides the fact that I got up at 4 in the afternoon

and wasted my whole day just like that but going out with leesh & company was awesome

managed to catch up with akiko & hwee after that topped it all off

got to see super power sour shit boy too , I miss you babe! ( if you read this )

and so , I haven't gotten my lip pierced

neither have I gone to chinatown or SPCA

but at least I'm going to the park tomorrow! ^^

I'm psyched! I caught the nostalgic disease just now

read my earlier post from like 2005

I guess once things blow over , you realise how stupid you really were.

and you'll always know that forever is never

you know what I mean?

ahh well , I'm beat G'night folks! ^^

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