This is where I rain on you

6 degrees of seperation
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Hello Blogspot , I build shitcastles and hang from trees in hope I'll be mistaken for a bat for a living.I believe that eating popcorn is the way of life and growing fat is a trend.Wanna be my friend?Anyway , I had an awesome day today bay gay ray lay let's get laid.We played Grounded during physics lesson.For those of you sorry bunch of childhood-less mofos ,Grounded's this game where you move around without touching the ground and it's like catching with blind mice put together like a milkshake bake cake.and then you ask me so how the fuck am I suppose to get away?! This is the part where I come in and tell you that you can go on the ground BUT quietly and when the catcher says grounded you have to be off the ground or else you'll be the grounder.Get it now? Didn't think so.Well , it doesn't matter cause yoda's gotta be off the bed now and hibernate so maybe she can invest sleep for soccer the way , singapore idol is buay tahan la.
my mum's fart smells like a dead monkey :)
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006

Dear God ,
If I had one wish
It would be to have a volume controller..
on my mother's neck
thank you , hope to hear from you soon.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006

hello my name is marisse , I'm 16 years old this year.I haven't gotten enough sleep for the pass 3 days and is/am dying.I'm currently participating in the summer of abandon words.I'm being very random and so I want to tell you everything.I have no idea what I'm saying but what I know is I'm going to sleep in a few minutes time.haha , I'm getting so disgustingly lame & might as well call me andy malonakins.not that I hate the guy infact , I'm quite the fan.I got ripped off by my manager at fish&co.My pay's only 71 dollars this month and there won't be a next month cause I quit my job.Too much politics at fuck&co.ok , I'm brain dead.I've had my lunar rhythms for almost two weeks.someone kill me.
Friday, June 16, 2006
Got this from R's blog ( yes , what a lazy afternoon)
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? Juices ( very vague , i know)
Color ? Red
Food ? I live to eat man! haha , how am I suppose to pick?
Item of clothing ? right now , My dress and slacks
Meal of the day ? lunch?
Feature on yourself ? My legs , cause people like them so I go with the flo ,haha.
Phrase ? "I like eggs & brains "
Song ? currently , midnight highway.
Musical Artist/Band ? no favourites but if I were at knife point I'd say DC
Sport ? I breathe sports haha so , swimming is good.
Movie ? I forgot? haha :/
Radio Station ? I don't listen to the radio so much anymore but I listen to 98.7 in morning. haha
Type of Chocolate ? The ones from SIN :D haha
Eye Color ? I'd stick with brown cause mine are brown and I heart marisse haha :)
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? Rabbits , cats , dogs , turtles , fishes had them all.haha
Have any piercing? yes
Have any tattoos ? nope but I think I will be getting one this year.
Gone skinny dipping ? yes , awesome fun! haha
Been to Europe ? sadly , no.
Been to an island ? yes
Had stitches ? no
Broken any bones ? no
Been stabbed/shot ? stabbed ahaha stupid incident.
Slept until after 12:00 ? yes
Stayed up all night ? yes
Turned down a dare ? yes
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? theresa misso! hahaha
Is the prettiest ? stupid question.
Is the most handsome ? fuck off. haha
Is the loudest ? Charis & Jamine
Is the craziest ?We're all crazy.
Is the most shy ? since R said hui zhen and she's my friend too , huizhen haha
Is the most loving ? Alicia Tan haha , like my freaking mother or smth.haha
Is the most understanding ? -
Is the most boring ? haha , can I not answer the question? haha
Is the richest ? kelly?Rachel?Kim?stupid rich people hahahahaha
Is the most athletic ? BIRD HAHA
Is the most cocky ? EMELINE
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Alyssa? hahaahaha
Do you look up to the most ?Can't remember.
Do you tell everything to ? V and alot of other people hahahaha
Has the best clothes ? uhleesha
Has the best house ? STACY HAHA
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? nope
Kiss someone of the same sex ? already did
Cheat on someone you love ? probably not.
Run away from home ? already did
Lie to your parents ? already did
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? haha , of course
Lie to your best friend ? already did
Give a homeless person money ? already did
Run from the police ? hahahah , maybe?probably not
Bungee jump ? I WANT TO DO THIS
Sky dive ? i want
Cross dress ? i want
Be an exotic dancer ? i want , if I had a body like jessica alba or smth
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? nope
Scuba dive ? i want
Go rock climbing ? already did
Go spulunking (caving) ? i want
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? slim shady
Bologna ? vomit haha
GuysOrange ?Orange Julius
The show, LostCucumber ? ???? Dicks then Vomit haha
Hip-Hop ?Dancing
Uniform ?school
UniCORN ? stupid
Rainbow ? gay pride haha
Clown ?I took a picture of one the other day.
I had a fruitful week.
Monday -Biggay's birthday/happening
Tuesday-Town with A & V
Wednesday-Awesome Alyssa
Thursday -Lunch with Kelly & V at arab street( yes , again!? haha) and hung out with my CLIQUE haha
and for today I had lunch with an old friend her name is Jasmine , thanks everything babe.
I realise how much I've missed your presence in my daily affairs! haha , I will be meeting Alicia
later.Finally! I've not seen her in a while too.Then will be heading to V's house for Vic's party and to stay over.We're going to beach tomorrow at 8 and I need to rush off to work by 11.My shift will end at 5 and I'll have to rush home to change and meet the happening people in church by 6.15 for mass then we're going to catch X-men 3.How awesome is that!? hahaha ok , blog later.gotta run! :)
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

the fatal fall ,
I took this before dropping brainticia onto the floor.For those who have no idea who she is, she's my camera.The filter cracked and now I'm worrying about the insides.I could've swore that I closed my bag man. I keep telling myself to let it go cause we all make mistakes but my mum keeps rubbing it in.hello? not as if I deliberately threw my camera on the floor or something.I had no intention of dropping her at all.And as if I could predict what was going to happen anyway.Damn! now I have to raise 125 dollars for my filter and IC.Yes , marisse lost her fucking IC as well but that was months ago.I just really need to get it replace before my mum finds out in other words , I need to use my own money to get the following items haha. IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO HELP ME OUT AND DONATE ME SOME MONEY IT WOULD BE VERY NICE OF YOU!haha , oh well I doubt I'll get replies but it's worth a try anyway.I took this shot cause I want the world to see how beautiful the moon is getting nowadays but you know with my kind of skills in photography I tend to fail to deliver.Oh well , if I fail then I fail at least I gave it a shot.To sum up my day , I though the omen was awesome enough for me , till then! :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Friday, June 09, 2006

I might give up on photography.
oh yea , to Val, I use the digital slr , canon eos 350D.
back to the subject , why am I giving up on photography?
Because I've an unsupportive mum who bought the camera
pretending that she's being supportive but her real motive
was so she could use it against me the next time
she's threatening me with money and other stuff.
Parents , I don't get them.
Why do they want to quarrell with us
When we really can't give a shit about what they think.
Can't they tell we're already all so worn out by them
their yelling , the insults they're all getting a little old.
Take my mum for example.Everytime she's pissed of,
she'll use her loud-hailer-ed-mouth and call me an ungrateful bitch
which is very untrue cause apparently , I'm the totally opposite of that.
What in the world is going through her mind? I don't know
and I don't think I really care.
I feel so pissed off right now I can barely think.
I want to swear off like a fucking machine gun.
I don't get it, really.
Why the fuck do parents and teachers like to threaten us
with stuff that we love or need like our hobbies
and our threatening us will fucking work?!
fuck these fucking motherfuckers!
now I have to go for confession!stupid bitches make me sin.
haha.anyway, it all started out with my mum yelling
countinously about my fucking room which I barely use anyway
she wants me to fucking spring clean it.
I'm totally fine with that but it's only like fucking 8 am in the
fucking morning and I haven't slept for a day?
It's so unhealthy for me but no she doesn't care.
It's all about her , bloody son of a gun.
I tried not to answer back cause it'll just lengthen the
so called 'battle'.I just said stop shouting and or , stop nagging.
and she didnt' stop and she got louder.what the fuck.
her disfunctional brains don't work
did she get the info that came out of mouth wrongly?
I said stop not shout louder.Then I just had to leave the house
I said I was getting breakfast then I went down in hopes
she'll be gone for work when I came home.
So I went up and into her room to find that she was about the
hide my camera.oh sweet mother of Jesus , this woman
will be the death of me one fine day I tell you!
what is she? like seven?! How primary school students would
hide their friends stuff as a revenge plan?what in the world!?
I really can't fucking stand it anymore.
I can't wait for the day I'll have the guts to throw my baby
right at her face and give up on photography.
although , I really really love it ): oh well.
close my eyes , I want you to dissapear.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Guess who's back?
Back again , Marisse's back!
Tell a friend.
and no , I'm not acting popular cause I am ahah just playing.
I'm just too G*d-damn lazy to reply but it's nice anyway :)
ok , blogger is fucking up and it's a fucking pisser
so post the peetours later.
I think I'm starting over.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Seven random facts:
I like red
I like eggs , really
I have many clothes but always end up wearing the same thing because it's 'convenient'. (same as alyssa)
I always inferior alot and feel unworthy of praise.
Sometimes I think I'm pretending my emotions.
I fear a painful death but want to try getting into a coma
Seven celebrity crushes:
Katherine Moening
Mia krishner
Howlin pelle
Kurt Cobain
Orlando Bloom
Adamn Brody!( who doesnt?!)
Seven qualities I want in a potential boyfriend (need not apply HAHA):
...........................I'm having a hard time thinking of this...
Musically/Aesthetically inclined
Open - minded
Nice face (including hair hahaha)
Complex mind
Romance Romance (but not in the mushy sense la! like you are the air I breathe and all the lame shit)
Seven things that scare me:
Heaven & Hell
Being locked alone in an enclose area
My Mind
Losing anyone related to me (blood or not blood , both ways)
Losing any of my five senses.
Being a failure
Seven things I like/love most:
People related to me
Complex minds in other words arty people
Seeing people happy
Seven things I plan to do before I die:
( you know this was an on the spot thing so it won't be so interesting haha)
Visit Amsterdamn , Spain , Rhio and alot of other places
Open a club , cafe and gallery
Adopt a spanish kid and a cambodian kid
Do up my the beautiful people album
Lose weight HAHAHA
Say how I really feel towards everyone I know individually.
Play the piano , guitar , bass and cello really well haha :D
Seven random songs at the moment:
on & on - number one gun
again I go unnoticed - DC
Re-offenders - travis
Bed of razors - children of bodom
Capital H - the motion city soundtrack
Midnight highway - daphne loves derby
Sweet dreams - Marilyn Manson
Seven people I want to do this (Do I really? Would they really?):
I can confidentally say that all but Vick will not do it hahaha cause I doubt they'll even see this so whatever :)
Had alot fun tonight thank you
Vick , Tanny , Lizard ,
Akira , Mark , Joey and SURIA
I promise photos , real retarded ones
night :D
Blog Archive
- sins will happen
- Phoebe's Ultraman and I'm Captain PlanetHello Blo...
- Dear God ,If I had one wishIt would be to have a ...
- I've been locked in your heart shaped box for a w...
- You put the gun in my head. hello world wide web ,...
- Hello, grab your bag and let's goMore out of place...
- Every once in a while.We'd get lost in the crowd a...
- so broken , nadia hugginsput me in the hourglass ,...
- hello my name is marisse , I'm 16 years old this y...
- Subtle insanity , has my reflection impacted your ...
- Baby Biggay & Girlfriend :)THE ARAB ADDICTION
- I'm Marisse and I love Vickyhappy birthday Emo! :)...
- I promised pictures , from indo :)Got this from R...
- DULZARAMASA If I told you I caredwould it freakin...
- Cause anything too daring to say to you would be s...
- We'll have you screaming back for more.
- the fatal fall ,I took this before dropping braint...
- Dedicated to , Akiko. This is just sort of a fol...
- I might give up on photography.oh yea , to Val, I ...
- Come as you are, as you were,As I want you to be...
- Mama Mehrisk & Baby Biggay :)TELL ME WHY I LOVE L...
- For Awesome Alyssa Woo-hoo :)Seven random facts:I ...