This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Friday, April 14, 2006

drowninggggggggg , drowning

Happy birthday Chirp Tan Forest!
It's been great having you as a friend
for about a year now? Yeap time really flies
when you're having fun.
I predict my saturday and Sunday will be shitty
And something bad will happen at chirp's party
even though yes , I really love birddddeehhhhh :)
If anything bad happens , It's my fault I'm sorry
Yesterday , good friday , started out awkard and foul but I realise
how lame I was feeling and realised that only I
have the power to make myself feel better
So I apologised to V and I guess everything's fine now
Anyway , I had loads of fun and I'm happy I got out of
the house.I spent the day with V and the rest
we went for jen pok's church thing then we headed
down to town for lunch and fun. We spent a whole freaking
hour at Zara and met alicia :) and I spent the whole of yesterday
with her and guess what , I'm at her place now hahaha
I love alicia , really she's the greatest :)
So much for the surprise visit we were suppose to give someone.
I was really looking foward to it but you know , whatever
I can predict would be rather gloomy
I'm so sick of being sad and lame
I wanna be my old self again you know , trigger happy?
being able to laugh or smile at everything without having
to think something morbid about the situation even when I'm
having a whole lot of fun , oh well , saturday here I come :/

IGALLOP HAHA , Thank for yesterday , I love you guys :
V , Chunky , Male donkey , Leezoo , Uhleesha , Emo , Gf , Charlene :)
and everybody I saw at church :)

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