This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I am suppose to feel pissed off right?
I mean I do have the right to am I wrong?
I don't know why I can't feel my anger fully
Why the fuck did i have to block it out
Now that I can feel I pretty much get a headache
most of the time that is. I realised that
saying sorry isn't the hardest.
It's having to mean what you said that's hard
whatever , I think I'm left speechless
I mean hello? I feel really LC right now
well , at least now I fit the bill perfectly
for my HC-GF most loved , Siva :))))
What am I suppose to say now
I wanna hear that it's been erased
and that they're sorry.
fuck you all.

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