This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Wednesday, November 23, 2005

yesterday was one of those days where you'd probably regret not having a fucking camera.Once again , I would tell myself. Marisse , just let it go.It's going to be one of those memories for the mind.usually very significant.yes no? For those of you who have no fucking idea what the fuck I'm talking about , I'm talking about the netball sec four farewell.The Candle thing was awesome (yes , very alyssa woo-hoo).We made a pathway of candles from the main hall all the way to the netball court at the end of the path we made a heart and inside the heart there were the words , we love you.Ain't we just a sweet bunch of fools.I'm in deep shit now , I've been partying non-stop.It's pissing my mum off.I'm going to chinablack tonight and To some other party tomorrow and the third place gig.I really wanna go for all the crap.HELP GOD HELP! =/

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