You know how sometimes people make you feel all special
For the moment , like you've never felt that way before
The person cannot stop corresponding with you
Like you're the b'all and end'all of ev'rything
but overnight you're nothing more than a friend?
You soon realise you've been nothing more than a fling
you were just used for some reasons
you kind of want to tell the person off.
but am afraid cause of the being too presumptous fact.
Oh yes , I forgot to mention
I wrote a song of my own a few days back
with a tune this time
so if you want to hear it , just ask me.
It's an emo song so If you're not into that kinda shit
please don't approach me for a demo.
cause it'll be a total waste of your time
on a lighther note ,
I went to chinablack yesterday
It was awesome! The people were great
the music was not bad , not bad at all.
We danced all night till the early morn
grinding and cribing
it was sweet!
I went to stacys' party today too.
It was alright.
I can't wait for the next chinablack party!
anyway I'm drained so , love!

But a Fling
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