This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Friday, September 02, 2005

hello wello , yesterday we were all being so melodramatic when we were sending vick and the rest of the china . when in fact , they were coming back in just a week.we acted like they were going of , FOREVER.anyhows , just read the papers , well , sort of , the one about the mayhem in the US , namely the hurricane.Its utterly dissapointing how selfish people can be.Now , the end of the world is the B-all and end-all of ev'rything.Catholics are being laidback about it cause our faith is strong.Christians are being ,"OH YOU MUST REPENT" about it now.well , which is good i guess.I always say better to be pessimistic then optimistic.oh wells, i gotta meet phoebe now.till later.(=

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