This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Monday, February 05, 2007

Joey has an exploding heart for annoyance

so my week has pretty much started out really fucked up , extremely fucked up

I always open this window with alot of things to say but when the minute my fingers touch the keyboard it's like all my thoughts dissapear , I become a robot. Maybe I should bring a keyboard around with me 24/7 and soon enough , I'd be as brain dead as bryan or cheryl or bong or well , the list goes on and you the get it already , I know.So anyway,I can't wait for this friday! The anticipation is killing me already. I've it all planned out. I seriously truly am a weekend warrior! And during the week I walk around as stoned and rock hard as maybe say , concrete? Hello I am concretegerxzsxz90 want to be friends?

yeah I figured.. alrighty then! I leave you here! :)

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