This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Sunday, November 19, 2006

Hello Betty ( I'm going to name my 'diary' names now like Anne frank super coolio yo! )
for those of you who don't know Anne frank she was in my class last year she seats two rows behind me. If you'd like to know her please call 1900-912-imaginaryfriend.

Marisse Isabel A. Caine K.'s Monday

go the spca in the morning for fun

go for waxing ( no it's not very painful please stop asking )

do up my walls

read fight club

put up the Christmas tree

go for mass ( pass father JJ the damn CD )

go take photos at lido (optional considering I'm such a wimp)

okay , so I'll be pretty much alone the whole day and I need to get up early so I can join the get up kids cause I'm so lame and I need to get a jokebook badly. I'll be depressed , lonely and cutting my wrists so please call me and save me from this cruel world or I'll have to start writing poems/haikus about toilet rolls and obsessing about eggs again and I'll have no friends cause everyone will know how weird I really am. Please save me.

dear toilet roll

cornflakes and milk belong in a boll

my life is so cold.

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