This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Wednesday, March 31, 2004

P.E. waS fUN toDay!!duh!?we plaYEd bBaLL~untill we needed to do shuttle run..haha.cuz i was lazy cuz yesterday we got punished by our coach we had to run for an hour.* tired.i practically hibernated fer da whole afternoon.haha.i slept since 4.oopm.haha.tomorrow is apirls fool`yeppe~i hav a bunch of pranks planned just hope i dun get caught~haha~aniwaez today i was practically dying during lessons becuz i din eat during recess.yea.afther,esther,weilyn,sarah,alyssa and sheryleene all zhao.haha.aniwaez on friday da chao ren family and bao family going to far east fer shopping i just cant wait!i gtg now aniwaez.i miSs yOu~u noe hu u r[haTta hatta haha]~*beaMs
tOK abOuT sIansaTioN maNxXx now iN skU waiTing fER maUII fweNS doiNG nth.plaYEd bbaLL oReadI.hAiz..hUngRY aNd tIreD whaTchINg a bbALl maTCh @ NYJC.shaLenE,miCheLLe,jeaNIe,racHel aND kimBErlY are gonnA be dERE..KEwL!!!~~haHA..AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!~da Com lAB sO cREEPy i toT i hEArd da cHAir moVE whEn i lOOK dERE nO onE waS thERe!!*shrugS*hu cares~ACtuaLLy~I DO!!!AHHHH!!saVE mE thIS gEtTin creePY i thiNK i aM gonnA go nOW..hE²cKZ!~

Monday, March 29, 2004

heRE goEs.whaTEver saY goEs.siTTinG doWn hERe tyPInG agaIn[groUNdeD]>[CryINg][conFused].i feel like i lost my freedom again.weLL look on thE briGHtsiDE.we haD traininG todaY.YEeaPPee~aniwaEz.heY u yeS u Ya noE hU u r.coMe baCK to mE i neeD u.I wanT yOU buT u donT sO u reaLLy waNT me tO get oN wiF mY weiRd n coNfusiNG liFE.yea?its okay i undeRstand whY leaST i stilL haVe mYselF[i think].-the way-go listen to it thats how i feel about you.[crying]the reason why i haV more girl friends den guy friends is because girls are more understanding because they are not so racist against ur colour and they understand the situation ur going through.u see i come from a broken family.the only pple i can turn to is my mum and my friends.i love my friends.the problem is do really love my too or are they all very two faced.if u were in my shoes u would fell lucky yet sad.likE at least i still hav u guys but.Why did I haV haV to bE borN in mY shoes.whY coundnt i just be rebORn intO someOne elses shOes liKE weLL actUAlly i duNNo either.caUSe i hAv freNs wiF alSO proBlems likE me.yea.leT thE raIn faLL ---i'm comin clean.