This is where I rain on you


Brains are cool!


6 degrees of seperation



Friday, April 30, 2004

herE is a poeM its callEd smIle

She smiled at a sorrowful stranger
The smile seemed to make him better
He remembered past kindness of a friend
and wrote him a thank-you letter.
The friend was so pleased with the thank you
That he a large tip after lunch
Th waitress, suprised by the size of the tip
bet the whole thing on a hunch
The next day she picked up her winnings
and gave part to a man on the street
the man on the street was grateful
for the two days he'd nothing to eat
After he finished his dinner
he left for his small dingy room
On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
and took him home to get warm
The puppy was grateful
to be in out of the storm
That night the house caught on fire
The puppy barked the alarm
He barked till everyone woke up
and saved everyone from harm
One of the boys that he rescued
grew up to be a president of the united states
All this because of a simple simle
that hadn't cost a cent

okay okay maybe it wasn't a poem but its nice right?*sniffs*hahHAah lolxXx..aniwaez.well today it was okay but well HahahahhHAAH i played ball right whats nOt to liKe hahHAah.weLL aniwae this sec 1 girl played ball with me well She travelled she made three steps den obviously it was a foul rite?the she kept insisting that she didn't well okay fine then she said "hey i am a newbie and i also noe"then i was like whatever because she said she was a newbie rite exactly why would she noe betta?I'm nOt likE *wOah* good aT ball buT i should noe the basic rules right?arggh weLL aniwaez HAha i played ball with xiuwen,weilin,siewhwee,beatrice,diane.HahahHA..diaNe was GoinG nutS.hahHAah.jkjK.aniwaez today we had lessons at the lab cool huh?uh-huh thats thE waY i liKe iT!~hahHA.lolXxX.we pRactically suRfed the neT the whOle day.aniwaez i din nOe that xiuwen could play the drums well tts cool ..hahah.. pretty good for a no. 1 loser haHAhah.the only reason i called her that is cause she is fun and when we lose we start the ball [tts how we play in skool loser start the ball]she would rush to start hahHAha bouncing rabbiT.haHHAHaha~well it was fun aniwaez i bought this months lime and orlando bloom is on th cover AwwWw!!he is so hoT !!melts!!omg!omg!omg!omg!gawd gawd gawd hot hot hot!!*melts haHAHah aniwaEz sulynn said i very updated and i almost said like duh!? but instead i act humble HAhah lolxXx.oK aniwaez i kinda tired now from playing so much ball so gonna sleep cause later must go see nanyangs musical synergy concert ..buh bye~

Sunday, April 25, 2004

I aM having a crusH on This gUy oK maybE nOt havIng moRE likE havE beeN i Dont nOE whY OK weLL u seE If i lIKe a GUy N he LIkeS reJEct ME oR whaT i wOnt gIve a shIt eveN as smaLL as a decimal pOInt okay BuT thiS gUY i duN nOe i meAN he iS likE aLmost PErfECt..WhEn i sEE hIm i geT so tense up I wilL starTing ruNnInG likE the wInD*shY maHX*haHAhaha..anIwaEz...HoW what to DO heY yoU shaLL nOt saY YeR naME sO i woNt desTRoY yer Rep. whaT shOUld i DO huH caN yoU likE teLL me??haIyaz...SumOre i LosT my pHone My baBY OK!!!it was OnLy oNE moNtH oLd *cRys.!!x(( !!3200 lOr !!wa LAo EH!!*WOopZ*hEhe!~aniwaez i gtg NOw Buh byE..*beaMS iN TEaRS thaT sweLL my eYE!x((

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

HaIyAz.My schOOl is FreaKIng weiRd i meAN likE they Ask Us to deLetE our BlogS thaT tt haV to dO wIF ouR sKOOls anD all tt..haiZ whAteveR!!anIwaEz..I doNt waNNa thiNK abOUt YOu..AniwaeZ...HAppIe bIRtHdaY deSnIquE a.K.A. DesMOnd fOO!!

Monday, April 19, 2004

i goT a nEw meIx!!shE isH soOoOo cUTe!!~hahHAhaha~i seE her likE 6 timEs a weeK..i was lIke OmG..i wILl get siaN of YEr facE lIAox..haha.*craP..haHAa..todaY ms nG madE mE sIt oN a stooL IN CLAsS LOR CAUse i roCked the ChaIR tTs not Fair Right..sO i thOUght bUt acTuAlly it turnEd Out tO verY comfoRtablE..HAha.I wanNA sIt on It agaIN!!hahHA..HaIyAz todaY i sOOoOo saUIi loR i meAN i ask Cheryl foR claSs keY in thE haLL the preFect saY can deN i ended UP staNdiNg in forNt of THe whOle sChOOL on staGE for "tokIng"..WTH lor..haHAha..sO paI seh caN?
haiZ what to dO ..haiZ..aniwaez i GTG now ..tyPE agaIn another daY~

Friday, April 16, 2004

HaIyA PasT feW daYs aH..*arghz*VerY trIed lOr.cUz netBall traIniNg startEd deN plUs we jUSt haD a reCEnt NAPFA test haIZ...*TirEdeD*acTuaLLy IHaVE loaDS Of thINgs ta saY but nOW i aM outTa WordshaIyAz i duNNo y i LOvedoIng tHatHaHA.anIwaEz SeeyOU

Friday, April 09, 2004

*argh!*pissed off and tired!!!aniwaEz.i m here jUst ta wriTE mauII soNg.iTs niCe okaY!

what is the reason.

Chill out,lazing around all day
Thats what I've been doing
since the day
that you darling left me
and said get away from me
now I'm losing my mind
In no time

What is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the pain.
I'm going through
what is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the hardships
thats coming my way

last night I went you house
I was planning to surprise you in an hour
but you had another girl sitting on your lap
and that made me feel really all so mad.
Now I have no idea
what's my mistake.

What is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the pain.
I'm going through
what is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the hardships
thats coming my way

The other day you told me
Sugar pie will you go out with me
I said babyboy sure I will
Now i Know what a bimbo i really was.
To have fallen in love with you
Icant stand being bitched around.
I thought that love makes the world really go round.

What is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the pain.
I'm going through
what is the reason
for what you've done
you have no idea
about the hardships
thats coming my way

then fades~ whaT dId ya think .AHaha.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

dada is that u?hahahAHah~whaTEver~morOn~this is stuPid buT i gotta go meet gweN buh BYE~HEeCkz

Friday, April 02, 2004 siaN..need enliGHtmenT.BAHahHAhah~

Thursday, April 01, 2004

HapPy aprIl fOOls!~wEll fer dA past 3 daYS thiNgs Hav beEN getTinG haYwireD feR me..LIke wE aS in da Whole B' dIV Got pUnisHEd cUZ oF stUff liKE afTEr da cAmp alOt oF uS diN haNd in oUR woRk anD alL tt aND da jUNiorS cOmplaINed THaT we PuniSh Them feR JAy-cHOuinG[jaY walIkng]wE gaVE theM 100 pumping on da spot BUt we alsO dO tt bUT nOT as IF we DIn geT puNIshEd too~AniwaEZ.da daY aftER thaT waS boRIng VerI boriNg buT P.E. was fUn we plAyed BBall!!~bUT dEn afTEr we haD shUttlE rUN.I -luVE- it.hHA.cUZ i waS so LAzY.haHA.anIWaEz.WheN i goT hOmei pRActiCAllY hibErnaTEd fEr da whOLe afternoon.Haha.yea.fER liKE 4 hoURs.wHEn i goT uP i waS like rushIng fer skOOl buT it waS onLY eiGHt @ nigHT deN mY maiD waS likE marisSe yOu are ReaLLy bEYonD CraP anD i waS likE err,o-k.Haha.i noe.sEe i Am tokIng crap agaIN.gEttIng tipSy agAiN.deN todaY waS o-k laR cUz we had tO dO stanDinG brOad juMp aND i haTE iT!!haha.aND i waS okaY untilLL i fouNd out thAT we haD to Do naPfa teSt togethER as IN the whOle neTBall teaM so mAlU.AHH!!haHAh.lolx.dEn afTeR skOOl i weNt to thE coM laB tO waIt feR esthER weIlyN alySSa they all.deN i heaRd thE chaIR moVE dEN i lookEd thERe i DIn see anionE so creePy!dEn i quiCklY goT ouT of thERe.HahaHah.deN wheN i weNt dowN.i saW cherYl.i waS actuaLlY orEAdi kiNDa piSSed haha.Den sHE caLLed me Fat bitch Or something deN i wenT uP to heR AnD saiD u hAv totaLLy nO riGHt tO caLL me Fat cUz u r fattER den ME.HAha.alYssa gave me a ^5.hah.WhoosH.@ Da sciEnCE laB Me, PhoebE,QiaNzI and suLYnn weRE tokINg abOUT jamIe..haha.i plAyed a praNK oN heR i took a MEns. paD anD Put fakE bLOOd on it And stuck it oN her chair.haha.veri farni lehX.heR reaCtion.den i pLaYEd maNY othER prankS too.aniWaez i gTg now.and finger tired frOm tyPIng sO mUCh.*beaMS